室内 360 度全景浏览场景无缝过渡技术研究
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[23] Y. Morvan and C. O’Sullivan. Handling occluders in transitions from panoramic images.
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[24] S. Peleg and M. Ben-Ezra. Stereo panorama with a single camera. Proceedings. 1999
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[25] K. Petrinec and Z. Kovacic. The application of spline functions and bezier curves to AGV
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[26] A. M. Raid, W. M. Khedr, M. A. El-dosuky, and W. Ahmed. Jpeg Image Compression
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[28] N. Snavely, R. Garg, S. M. Seitz, and R. Szeliski. Finding paths through the world’s photos.
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