svd.js: Pure JavaScript SVD

Input: 2-D list (m by n) with m >= n
Output: U,W V so that A = U*W*VT

-   Translated from python code by TANG ZhiXiong
-   GitHub:
-   Origin:
-   FYI:

       // <script src="svd.js"></script>
       var a = [
           [22.,10., 2.,  3., 7.],
           [14., 7.,10.,  0., 8.],
           [-1.,13.,-1.,-11., 3.],
           [-3.,-2.,13., -2., 4.],
           [ 9., 8., 1., -2., 4.],
           [ 9., 1.,-7.,  5.,-1.],
           [ 2.,-6., 6.,  5., 1.],
           [ 4., 5., 0., -2., 2.]
       var ret = svd(a);
       var u, w, v;
       if (ret) {
           u = ret[0];
           w = ret[1];
           v = ret[2];
           _print(_mult(_mult(u,_diag(w)), _trans(v)));

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